Review of Ultimate Auto Shippers

Susan Submitted this review about Ultimate Auto Shipping Inc.
Review made Live: 12/13/2010 2:01:00 PM
Pat Lynch, owner of Ultimate Auto was very assessible and easy to work with. His staff was execllent. The carrier's staff was not as good. They did not answer the phone professionally, and their English skills were quite poor. However, Pat was readily available to step in to help. Although, the carrier arrived one day later than expected and did not call to confirm pick-up until the last minute, they did arrive to pick up the car in time for me to make my flight.

Overall, unsing Ultimate provided a level of comfort should the carrier not have arrived.
imhave no doubt that they would have stepped in to help as needed.

The car did arrive as expected in AZ without damage.

I would recommend unsing Ultimate to support a positive car transport experience.