Shipping vehicle from coast to coast!

Rob B Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 10/15/2019 10:14:00 PM
When I was looking for a way to ship a vehicle from Virginia to Southern California I was pretty stressed out. After researching a lot of review sites from yelp, google, etc it made the process even more confusing. Why I picked First, I did a lot of research on reviews and found the owner would respond to pretty much every review on yelp. I was very impressed. Second, they have done a great job covering all the questions anyone could have. The process was easy. Sent in my initial request via the website. Then, the emails started coming in with great information. When I was finally ready to ship the car, I called David and we got the ball rolling. Within 48 hours we had the car picked up. So if you're wondering if shipacardirect is worth using as your broker I would say YES and use them again!