Ship-A-Car Direct

Howard Friedman Submitted this review about Ship a Car Direct
Review made Live: 11/10/2016 9:54:00 PM
I arranged to have my sister-in-law's car shipped from AZ to NY. The driver called the day before pick up as promised. My Sister-in-law said that he was very polite and thorough. She felt well cared for and not anxious. He showed up as scheduled and was very professional and detailed in filling out the paper work. He detailed every minor imperfection on the car-many more than she had noticed. He gave her an estimated delivery date range and left her feeling relaxed and happy. That was not an easy accomplishment. The car arrived yesterday in perfect condition. The driver was reported to be very professional as well as pleasant and helpful. This whole experience couldn't be better. It was really a pleasure. It pays to go with the A+ rated companies, even if they are a little more expensive, especially since the cheaper ones can become more expensive in the end. It is my experience that cheap is never really cheap. It has made me think about using your service when we go to FL. for the winter. That is if you do a South FL. to Western NC route. Anyway, I give you full permission to use any or all of this communication in any advertising or reviews that you would like. You've earned it.

Howard Friedman