STT Logistics Group

Miami, Florida

Most Popular Route for STT Logistics Group

Shipping a vehicle with STT Logistics Group from Georgia to Florida

Overall Rating on Route

From 5 Reviews

Most Recent Customer Experiences

STT Logistics Group By Gabriel

Crane transport - I recently won a crane in an auction, and without having to go and load it or be there for loading t...

STT Logistics Group By Maurice Jackson

My pleasure working with STT Logistics - 5 Stars for her customers services and communication skills and making sure I was paid quickly for t...

STT Logistics Group By Eleanore C.

Rony - I spoke with Rony and told him this was my 1st time having a truck transported to me and was very ne...

STT Logistics Group By Romare Green

Experience services - Really appreciate this company business, very professional and kind, great communication an pay, ...

STT Logistics Group By Anya

Great company,great to work with - We had the pleasure of working with Luis and Chris who made the entire process of booking a load qui...

How Much Does It Cost

To Ship a Vehicle From Georgia to Florida

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