Shippers Beware . Scrutinizing RBRT before any contract would seem prudent

Robert Submitted this review about Rock Bottom Rate Auto Transport
Review made Live: 12/19/2011 11:57:00 AM
Company is nothing as represented. If you feel you have been victimized by Michael Malinosky (DBA) Rock Bottom Rate Auto Transport (MC 754494 ) as I have, you may consider filing a complaint with the US Department Of Transportation. You can call them with your complaint at 888 368-7238 or file you complaint on line @ Any deception,falsehood or breech or non performance of your contract with them may be reason for complaint. Any rate increase above the quoted rate is considered suspect .Any request for up front money is contrary to broker/shipper norm and may be indicative of irregularity.You have the right to demand from RBRT a copy of the records of the shipping agreement between RBRT and any assigned carrier for your shipment. When you are charged by RBRT on the pretense that a carrier has been assigned you can demand the name of the carrier. If you are refused by RBRT you have reason for complaint to the DOT. If you make a complaint to DOT you should refer to complaint file #100055534. If you are interested in joining a Federal Class Action Civil Suit, contact me with the basis of your complaint. Should you desire to go in that direction I will need the history of your nagative business experience with RBRT. If needed, You must be willing to swear or affirm by deposition the truthful facts of your complaint. I will not ask you for any monies to enjoin with this action. I will only ask that the facts presented to me are truthful, non prejudicial, and unbiased. The facts must and will speak for themselves. Any action by you in this matter must be done freely by your own initiative and with no promises of any tangible/intangible consideration given or offered by me. Special Note...RBRT advised Transport Reviews that they had no record of doing business with me after my initial negative review and it was removed from this site. After Transport Reviews was given proof of a continueing business envolvement it was reinstated. One more consistent example of the business ethics and lies of RBRT... For more info on Rock Bottom Rate Auto Transport see Ripoff recently contacted the Florida State Attorney General's office and they will accept your complaint as they have mine. Ck their web site for complaint filing. Don't be misled by favorable reviews. Experts will testify that many are written by the same person. Read all carefully for same declarative sentence structure and verbage.