Company Failed to Pick Up Car

Irene Submitted this review about Car Shipper USA LLC
Review made Live: 2/13/2013 11:00:00 PM
Received bid early January vehicle available for pickup anytime for delivery on Feb 17 Or Feb 18 in N.C.
Phoned weekly to ensure service available for these specific dates. Ensured over and over they were reliable and there woukd be no problems. Week vehicle was to be picked up No one calls. Phoned company and given a song and a dance. Had someone but they wanted more $$$$, last weeks snow stopped truckers (truckers come from Florida i live 5 miles over the Md line, totally unaffected by the storm. Hey but maybe next weekend Or Maybe I could go with another shipper). This was after promise after promise week after week there would not be a problem. Resolution I drove the car myself. Will never attempt to ship a car using any company. Most likely any good reviews are written by them.