worst experiance ever

William Lush Submitted this review about Bassa Logistic Inc.
Review made Live: 8/6/2013 8:25:00 PM
Marina Cebanu was really nice on the phone as long as the booker Bill Avrich was on the phone. As soon as I called her myself she was very rude and disrespectful. This company never picked up my car and never apologized. They were supoosed to pick up my car by noon on July 27th, my flight was at 5:30PM that evening. They never showed up, I called and they said they could pick it up by 5PM. So I changed my airline ticket (it cost me $200). 5PM comes around and they never showed, never called. I called back and, while being extremely rude, said they could pick it up by 11. I changed my airline ticket again (another $200) and they never showed. I was at their mercy and they treated me like crap! I was extremely angry and kept calling. They eventually stopped picking up my calls. I never got a reason as to why they did this to me and I never got an apology. Marina Cebanu is a terrbile person and Bassa Logistics is a horrible company that should not be able to be in business.