User Question

What do I do if a review was posted by someone who is NOT my customer?

How do I get rid of a review that was posted by someone who was not a customer of my company?



What to do if you receive a review by someone who was NOT your customer.

Transport Reviews is ratings and reviews of vehicle transport companies submitted by customers. If you receive a review from someone who is NOT your customer you can immediately remove the review by running the non-customer review process.

This is an instant process that does NOT require you to contact a site administrator.

Before Running The Non-Customer Review Process Know That...

  1. You should do everything possible to verify that the person who posted the review is not a customer of your company. If the public information is not enough information, companies are able to log in, view and use the email address that the person who posted the review used to submit a review.
  2. Know that Transport Reviews defines a customer as someone who went beyond a reasonable sales and quote process. Being considered a customer does NOT require payment or a vehicle being shipped.

Also, know that there ARE PENALTIES for running the non-customer review process on a review that turns out to be your customer. You should NOT run this process unless you are 100% certain that the review was submitted by someone who did not go beyond a reasonable sales and quote process.

To Run The Non-Customer Review Process Follow the Steps Below

  1. LOG IN to your account
  2. Click on the View & Respond Now! Link
  3. Locate the review you believe is not your customer and click to respond
  4. Click the link located below the response box which reads Not My Customer
  5. You must then read and check the four (4) checkboxes and then click submit.
  6. The review is immediately removed and the process has begun.
It is important to note that this process can only be used ONCE on any given review.

Running The Non-Customer Review Process Requires a User Login and Is A Privilege That Can Be Taken Away

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