Very Very late

Colin Submitted this review about Wheeler Shipping
Review made Live: 7/16/2006 9:26:00 AM
I moved from California to North Carolina. I wanted my car to be in North Carolina the day after I got into the state (I arrived July 5th, wanted the car here the 6th). La’Ray (a very nice and friendly woman who was my contact) told me that I had signed the contract well enough in advance that my car would be in North Carolina on time. I received three emails from La’Ray over the period of five days asking if I was flexible on the delivery date. I responded to each and every email the day it was sent in the affirmative, meaning my replies stating that I was flexible on the delivery date were completely ignored for almost a week. I was also asked to fork over an extra $50 to get the car out. I agreed. My car left California the 7th of July. One day after it was supposed to get here. It arrived in North Carolina the 16th. Ten days after it was supposed to.

10 days late. Fifty bucks more out of my pocket. I would recommend going with another company, ten days late is 240 hours I could have spent starting my life here instead of sitting in my completely unfurnished apartment (since I didn’t have a car to transport stuff here) waiting for Godot.

A timeline:

June 16th I got the contract
June 17th They received my signed contract
June 20th 1st progress report received
June 21st Another progress report received, stating

“We're doing everything we can to get your order dispatched to a Carrier. I'll be calling Carriers and you are placed on Central Dispatch, so we have a very good chance of meeting your chosen date. “


June 23rd (a Friday) Email from La’Ray asking if the July 6th delivery date was absolute. I promptly responded that it was not, anytime around the 6th would be fine.

June 23rd Email form La’Ray stating:

“Not at this time. As soon as we dispatch to a Carrier we will know. With today being only the 23rd, I really don't think we will begin to get activity on it for a while. Most Carriers do not book their loads that far in advance. The Carriers I've called were not working that far in advance.”

This email of course led me to believe that my car would get to North Carolina on time or within a few days of on time.

June 23rd La’Ray asks again if the 6th of July is an absolute delivery date. I say no, anytime around then is fine.

June 27th (a Tuesday) La’Ray emailing another email (the third asking such a question) asking if I’d be fine with the 6th of July as an absolute deliver date. I email her back (again) saying fine, just get the car here..

July 2nd La’Ray asking if I’d mind bumping the price up by $50. I say fine.

July 6th (original delivery date) I receive this email from La’Ray:

“We talked earlier today, and I haven't been able to find anybody today. We'll try some more tomorrow. I'm sorry it's taking so long.....”

July 7th My car leaves. One day after it was supposed to be here.

July 16th My car arrives here. Ten days after it was supposed to.

Company Response
Sue Wheeler from Wheeler Shipping Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/18/2006 2:36:00 PM
We strive very hard to make all transports happen without difficulties. When we have a transport that is not going according to plan, we discuss with the Customer various ways to get the vehicle moved. As anyone can see, our efforts to keep the customer informed and a participant in the decision making process speaks volumes.