No Communication from company

MPR Submitted this review about Suncoast Logistics Inc.
Review made Live: 1/20/2018 4:08:00 PM
January 20th, 2018

No communication from Suncoast or Carrier ! where is my vehicle??
I spoke with Krystal from Suncoast regarding the transport of my brand new Leased 2018 Hyundai Elantra on Thursday January 11,2018 who let me know they had a driver available immediately. I signed the e-contract for terms and conditions and when I went back to save it as one normally can do I was not able to access it .I requested she send another copy and I emailed Suncoast online for the information as well. Driver picked up car on Friday January 12th at 9:00 am on the dot. Delivery to Tempe was to be Monday January 15th or Tuesday January 16th.

I have left numerous calls and messages for the carrier, ,and the pick up driver to confirm who I was to make the cashier check out too and confirm delivery date. I have since had no response from anyone.

Has anyone else experienced this with this company or another? Should I contact the police at this point?

Thanks for any input!