Dan Daddieco Submitted this review about Streamline Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/23/2005 5:47:00 AM
As a customer I expected honesty, straight-talk and a commitment to deliver on the promises made. I got none of that. What I got was a very nice/sweet talking lady on the end of a phone line (Joanne) who said - "sure, I'd be happy to arrange for your car to be moved from MA to TX." Simple - right? WRONG! I asked for my car to be moved on 8/21/05
- I was assured that the truck would arrive withing 3-4 days of my targetted chosen date. That's fine - I can live with that. Then I was asked for a deposit of $155.00 to show that "I was earnest" in my intention to hire their trucker. OK fine - sounds reasonable - so I handed over my credit card and got charged the $155.00. That part of the deal went really smooth! So now it's 2 days before I move and I'm wondering why I haven't heard back from Steamline to confirm my pickup date/time. I called - twice - and finally got Joanne (the nice lady) on the line who promptly started to tell me her sob story about how fuel prices have gone up and truckers are only wanting the higher paying gigs and that (and this is good part!) - if I were to offer up some more money - I "might" be able to get my car moved within a "reasonable" timeframe. Imagine my surprise! Here I am thinking that I have a "deal" with a "5 star company" and with an "earnest money deposit" made to Streamline at the end of July (see - I was planning ahead) and now I'm being told (not really told) but more like "BLACKMAILED" into forking over more money to get my car
moved - which of course Joanne promised to move almost a month ago and made me put down deposit moneys to confirm "MY EARNESTNESS!" So obviously I"m pissed now. And then she tells me - if you cancel your order you'll get a "complete refund of your deposit - LESS $60.00 for my work!" Excuse me! What work? She didn't even return my phone calls! So I said - "ok - I won't cancel my order - when will you ship my car?" Her answer: "don't know - not sure when it will go - if at all!" EXCUSE ME AGAIN PLEASE! I forked over $155 for a - "maybe we'll move your car or maybe we won't" deal?" Her answer was - "yes - that's the way it is in this business - we have NO CONTROL over whether or not your car gets moved." EXCUSE ME!!!!!!! So I could have sent my $155 into thin air and got the same service ie NONE! The outcome of this most stressful phone call was that I was to receive a full refund - the entire $155.00. I think she knew I was a lawyer and was already drafting the legal papers to drag her into small claims court. But nonetheless, she did try to screw me out of at least $60 for doing absolutely nothing except wasting my
time an putting my move into complete chaos! Bottom line: Don't - DO NOT - NOT EVER - give deposit moneys to a "car haul broker!" Any
"reputable" car haul broker will only take your request and "try to locate a carrier for you" - and they don't need any money from you at that time to perform this task. A good car haul broker will "stay in touch with you!" And when they have a trucker for your car - and they give you the name of the carrier - then and only then should you pay a deposit of $100 - TOPS! Most truckers will gladly take your car and allow you to pay them when they get the car to your destination - I mean - afterall - they GOT YOUR CAR on their truck! If any broker or trucker asks you for upfront money before they locate a carrier - RUN - don't walk away from them!
Even with rising fuel prices - if a trucker needs your full payment upfront - RED FLAGS should be going off in your head - because if they really need your money to get to your destination - then that means that they really don't have a clue about running a business. Good luck and stay far away from Streamline! Their business is to collect deposit money. They could care less about moving your car!

Company Response
Joanne Harvey from Streamline Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/23/2005 5:47:00 AM
We pride ourselves on service which can be seen by nearly all the wonderful reviews we have on this site. With that being said we just want to say that we completely and totally disagree and have a different view of 99% of everything that this customer claims. Streamline conducts business with integrity, honesty and forwardness! Bottom line is "Auto Transport Review Board" = 49 to 1. Numbers speak the truth of what kind of business Streamline is.