The Best Car Company There Is!!!

April Sadowsky Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 7/5/2004 10:13:00 PM
In the last two years, I have had my vehicle transported three times and Specialty Mobile Systems is by far the best there is!! They were a little higher than some of the other companies, but I didn't want to deal with the hassle of paying less and regretting it with potential problems later. Upon approaching my move date, there still was not a transporter for my vehicle. I called Don and he was very positive and said it looked good that they would find a driver and he even paid an extra $50 out of his pocket to give the driver. Don called me Saturday morning and said my car would be picked up on Monday, the day I preferred it be picked up. The driver contacted me Monday morning and set up a pick up time and place. I didn't have a ride back to my place, so he offered to take me there. Very helpful. My car arrived promptly the following week. I would never choose another moving company. Specialty Mobile Systems is the best!!