All's Well That Ends Well

Jim Van Valkenburgh Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 10/3/2005 2:39:00 PM
I can't say enough good things about Specialty and Dee (the service rep handling our move). Suffice to say that what started out a little bumpy, ended up as smooth as silk. We were moving a Acura 3.2TL to our daughter in Phoenix/Scottsdale. While there was no particular urgency, we had a delivery date in mind ... and a corresponding pickup date locked in. That is until the scheduled driver seemed to vanish from the face of the earth. It was then that Dee and the Specialty team truly shone. They had another driver scheduled within a day and the car picked up a day after that. End result, the car made it to Arizona on schedule. Dee kept us informed every step along the way. In fact, she called to tell me the car was being delivered just a few minutes after my daughter called to say it was there. Bottomline: Specialty is great.