Great Service

Phani Nukala Submitted this review about Specialty Mobile Systems
Review made Live: 9/5/2005 4:19:00 PM
I had moved to Columbus ,OHIO from Santa Clara ,CA and did not have much time in looking for companies but just went by the reviews on this website . Though the speciality mobile systems are a little bit expensive the customer service was good . I was very lucky to get the truck pick my car the same day i placed an order , (but the customer service told that after the order is placed it takes 1-10 days for picking) . The car was transported in 5 days and the driver called much in front of time to make an appointment to pick and deliver the car . Th terms are simple and service is great . Iam an happy customer to get the car picked up on the day the order is placed and delivered in good time .

Good luck and hope you find this review helpful .