
Sheila Crosby Submitted this review about Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 7/8/2013 2:30:00 PM
At first I was told my auto would be picked up on Thursday June 27. I had not heard from the driver so I called to check as to the pick-up time and told he was behind and it would not be 4Pm but much later. Than it was finally to be picked up on Saturday and he would call me on Friday for an ETA. I did not hear from the driver on FRiday and really started to wonder if the. Car was going to be picked up at all .I tried to get Red CArpet on the phone but because of
The time no one was able to answer my call. I did get a return call but they were unable to give me any more info because the trucking company was also closed due to the time change, I finally heard from the driver later in the morning and we did connect. Unfortunately I had to leave to catch my flight to California and did not know until I arrived if my car had been picked up.