Scott Young 602-428-6879

Donald F Williams Submitted this review about Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc.
Review made Live: 4/10/2013 12:35:00 PM
The delivery of my truck took longer than estimated but after gaining some knowledge as to how transport brokers operate, I have a better understanding about the timing delay. There are two circumstances that can definately have an impact on the timeframe: location and what type of pickup (if someone is shipping to you or you're personally shipping to a different location). Although this process is considered a door-to-door service, it appears that some truckers are unwilling to travel to certain areas that they consider remote locations and the shipper may be required to transport the vehicle to meet up with the carrier. If you're shipping your own vehicle then that might not be a big issue but if you're buying a vehicle through a private seller then you have to make sure the seller has the fexibility to transport the vehicle which was the snag in my situation. Scott was very professional and understood my frustrations with the process and I believe he exhausted all options in locating a carrier that would provide the home pickup that the seller required but I ended up locating a local transport company (SARS) to transport the vehicle to a central location and Red Carpet had it picked up from there. Once the truck was picked up, it only took 3 days to get from Ariz to Ohio. My rate from Red Carpet didn't increase but I did have to pay the 2nd carrier a fee for the semi-local transport but I did not go too far over my budget which was good news. In the end it was well worth it to finally receive the truck on 4/8 that I had placed the order for on 3/15. I think if brokers team up early in situations like this then it becomes a win-win for everyone. If I need a vehicle transported again, I will use Red Carpet.

Company Response
Terry Williams from Red Carpet Auto Transport Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 4/10/2013 3:55:00 PM
Scott 602-428-6879 ~ ~ CALL OR EMAIL FOR A FREE QUOTE ~ Thank you Donald for taking the time to write this review and provide me with a 5 Star Review. That is great knowledge for people in need of future transports. The golden rule for vehicles not being picked up in the time frame needed is that they are either in bad locations or not priced right. We tried different prices and offered more money to drivers but Sierra Vista, AZ is not on any major interstates so a driver has to drive down there and drive all the way back so its not cost effective for them to do that especially when they can find other vehicles to pickup in Phoenix or Tucson. The person you bought the vehicle from was difficult in the fact that he wouldn't take the vehicle to a better location like Benson or Tucson to help you out. Just glad we were able to get it it to you and you can now enjoy your new vehicle. Try to avoid those tickets as well, over 750hp in a Trailblazer is pretty crazy. Best Regards, Scott