Did what the others wouldn't

Mikke Batterson Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 5/11/2011 8:49:00 AM
I found Majic Carpet Transport after having my truck contracted with another broker.Ms. Adrian was really pleasant to deal with.Honest answers to my questions.There were no surprises to my contract as with the first company i brokered with which seemed to change the terms with every phone call.Majic Carpet stuck by the quoted price,which the other companies did not.I chose to raise my price after the truck was not picked up after 5 days.I had a new Crewcab Longbed pickup truck,which takes up more than one spot on the trailer.The trucking company picked up the truck on time,and delivered it 2 days early and damage free.

All in all,i am pleased with the whole process.
