Hillary Bergeson

Paula Dahlke Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 12/11/2010 1:58:00 PM
We have found that Magic Carpet auto transport service is the only dealer who was willing to go the extra step and provide us with reliable and honest “upfront” assurances that we were seeking. The other dealers we contacted were unable to provide us with a firm price or pick-up/delivery commitment. However, your representative Hillary impressed us by taking immediate ownership of our situation and thereby understanding and meeting our transportation shipment needs. Hillary is a very effective communicator and provided us with immediate answers concerning the charges that we would incur, establishing a convenient pick-up and delivery date, and kept us updated on our shipment throughout the entire transaction. In addition, Hillary communicated updates to us in a very friendly and professional manner which only adds to a customer’s confidence. We are pleased to say that throughout our entire transaction Hillary treated us with courtesy, compassion and respect. Hillary is definitely a “keeper” who has proven to us that she is reliable, trustworthy and a “team player.”

Company Response
Terry Williams from Magic Carpet Auto Transport Submitted this response.
Response Date: 12/13/2010 6:54:00 PM
Response by Hillary Bergeson (Call or email me for a quote today 360-834-2900X204 or Hillary@MagicCarpetAutoTransport.com). Thank you Paula (and Ben) for you delightful and detailed review. It was a pleasure assiting you send your daughter (or grand daughter's) car to her. If you need to ship it back I hope you'd think of us. =)