Economic Incentives

Mary Schroeder Submitted this review about Magic Carpet Auto Transport
Review made Live: 8/23/2011 2:22:00 PM
I waited and waited to hear back as to whether or not I had a carrier set up for my vehicle. I ended up having the call twice. In doing so, I was told that at the price I was quoted, it was difficult to find a willing carrier. However, adding another $100 to my original quote seemed to magically produce one within a few hours. I felt cheated and backed into a corner, as it was only 2 days before we were moving. I would NOT go with this company again. Perhaps this is a common experience, and perhaps others have had primary contacts that were easier to get a hold of (I'm sure that she works very hard... perhaps over worked?), but I was not satisfied with the service. The carrier however was delightful. He was very professional and helpful. Next time, I would go around a broker service ($258 for ME to keep calling?) and find a carrier independently. If I wasn't reimbursed for this expense, I would have called the whole thing off and found another method.