Where is my car??? carSTUCKonatruck

Kate VanHook Submitted this review about Car On A Truck
Review made Live: 9/12/2007 6:48:00 PM
I am REALLY panicking now! My car seems to be stuck on a truck somewhere in Texas or New Mexico. It's been weeks since pickup. We were told 4-5 days until arrival. Everyone has a different story. Clint from Caronatruck does not return calls - you can only reach his company via email. His basic answer is TOO BAD! We are renting a car week after week and the cost is escalating. Our belongings are roasting away inside the car. Clint does not honor any of his words. As soon as he has your money you are doomed. Do not ever work with him. He keeps saying it was just an "estimate" not a "guarantee" so there's nothing he can do. Our truck driver's company has been great and is the only source of info in the entire fiasco. I suggest that before hiring find a company with their own trucks not a broker like carstuckonatruck You will regret it. I have complained to the BBB. I will be putting up blogs on all my web sites. I do not want anyone else to give this con-artist any money. Here is my complaint to the BBB:

My car was scheduled for pickup in Orlando and delivery in Sherman Oaks CA. Pickup was on time (August 28, 2007) with no guaranteed delivery time, but estimated 4-5 days. Unfortunately the truck broke down in Texas and needs alot of work apparently. So my car is sitting on a trailer bed, exposed to who knows what, along with my possessions inside the car which were within their guidelines, which I need. Car on a Truck's response is basically "too bad"....everybody loses, nothing we can do, etc. When I first learned of the truck breaking down (which I found out only by calling the driver on Sept. 6 (10 days into the trip) - Car on a Truck did not notify me of anything), they said they would send
another truck to get the cars if the repair took longer than anticipated. I explained that I am paying way more in car rental fees than I had planned and how much I need my car. They kept expecting me to just wait it out. Now they do not want to send a truck to pick up the stranded cars. They say these things happen. I asked what policies they have in place for such things for customer service. They say none. I have copies of emails back and forth. Basically it is now Sept 12 and I am expected to just keep waiting to hear the update - which never comes, I have to chase the info down- and keep paying more for car rental and living with the added stress and major inconvenience to my life - for an
indefinite period of time. I do understand that unexpected things happen - but usually when they do, the company makes some sort of compensation or effort toward the customer....from airlines to print shops to restaurants, they know that these unexpected things can be bad for business so they make the effort to satisfy the customer. Not Car on a Truck. Their customer service policy is "too bad for the customer". I wish I had never signed up with them and I will surely spread the word every way I can.