M Kim Submitted this review about Agape Auto Transport LLC
Review made Live: 7/4/2008 2:21:00 PM
On my recent move from MA to TX, I used this web site to find my carrier. I looked at several and I ended up going with Agape transport.

I contacted them on 5/12/2008. Over the phone I asked about what is involved in moving my car. They told me that all I have to do is to place an order and they will arrange everything. They can't guarentee me the exact date of delivery but they will get it moved.

Only request I had was that I wnated the car moved by 6/24/2008. I told them that they can pick it up any time (as soon as 6/1/2008) but it needed to get there by 6/24/2008. They told me that this was a popular route and that there should not be any problems.

I was getting nervous by 6/13/2008, they still did not have a carrier. I called on 6/16, 6/17, 6/18 and 6/19 and everydday they gave me assurances that the car will be picked up any time now and that it will get there by 6/24. On 6/20, their solution was that the car can be picked up on 6/25. I told them that I am going to be on Texas on 6/24 and that there is no one here on 6/25. They told me to give it to a friend. I told them that my friends are working. Their solutioin was that I drive my car to a depot. "There is a depot about 1 hour away, we have NEVER used them before but they are reputable." At this point I asked for my $155 deposite. They told me that they can not refund the money.

These people will lie to you to sell you the business and they can not deliver.

I went with AAAT - They are fantastic.

Company Response
Rebekah A from Agape Auto Transport LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 7/7/2008 11:33:00 AM
Min Kim, of Boston MA and now Houston TX, is not telling the truth about his order. He did not give us enough time and is not being honest about the dates. We are very honest with our customers from the beginning and everything is also spelled out in our contract posted on our website and signed by our customers. He is upset because his deposit was non-refundable at the time he wanted to cancel. Per our contract Min Kim signed, it states that the deposit is refundable if we cannot move your vehicle in 14 days from the first available date you give us. Mr. Kim gave us June 12th as his first available date which means that our dispatch team will assign a carrier to pick up on or after that date. Mr. Kim also said in his review that he told us he needed it picked up by a certain date. Mr. Kim did not tell us he needed his vehicle picked up by a certain date until he was leaving the town. At that time we advised him that he may leave his vehicle with a friend or family member and we can make arrangements to get it from them at no inconvenience to them. He did not put any such stipulation on his contract nor his order so we were not aware of that situation at all. Mr. Kim cancelled 7 days after his first available date and per the contract that is why his deposit was non-refundable at the time he wanted to cancel. Mr. Kim simply did not give us enough time to get a carrier assigned. I am sorry he was so unhappy with our service. I wish he had read the terms and conditions he signed so he knew exactly what to expect. We do our very best to make sure things are clear when the customer places his order but we also expect that you only sign the terms and conditions if you have read and understand them. Again we are very sorry the customer was unhappy with us.