Theseguys were reaaly great!!

Jennifer Submitted this review about 1st Choice Shipping
Review made Live: 7/8/2005 10:50:00 AM
I booked with 1st Choice after a long month of being with another very rude company. I wish I had found this board earlier becasue the comapny I booked with initailly is also on this board. I went to one of those sites that offer you back 5 to 10 quotes. Well I got a quote from a company that said they owned htier own trucks and they were less than the rest in price, so of course I went with it!!

Well after a long month with this other company I went out searching for quotes again. This time I ran accross this board. Well 1st choice gave me a quote whick infact was $115.00 more than the first comapny I was with....however from the time I booked with them my car was picked up within 3 days! Had I know that all it was going to take was 100 dollars I would have done it long before!

Well come to find out when my car was delivered it was not just the 100 dollars. I started to tell the driver of my experience and how I was paying a car payment before I had ever seen my car...and he told me, "Yeah I saw you posted for a long time with that other comapany but I would not haul it for them" Go figure the drivers no tonly pick the vehciles with the right pricing they pick the cars from the brokers they like and that treat hem well.

Just know 1st Choice is great and that is why the driver like them so much and pick up thier cars first!!
