Justin Wasserman Submitted this review about 1 Shot Express Transport LLC
Review made Live: 1/30/2011 2:46:00 PM
4 out of 5 employees of 1 shot express rated themselves to wrongly manipulate their average scores. Single worst company I have ever done business with. I was lied to, they wouldn't take my calls once they missed the pickup date, they lied to me some more and even tried to charge me an expedited fee for next day pick up with Joel personally gauranteed me. Make sure to call as an unknown number or their team will avoid you like the plague! Then after I left a similar review for them a month ago, 1 Shot Express asked them to remove it saying that I wasn't a customer. They are liars and should be avoided at all cost. Below, I have included the email exchange with Chris Johnson below. Clearly anyone who goes through the trouble to write the below email would not have done so to anyone but a customer. Don't make the same mistake I did.

From: "Chris"
To: "'Justin Wasserman'"
Date: 10/12/2010 07:58 AM
Subject: RE: 1 Shot Express

I do appreciate your compliance and the 1 Shot Express Transport Team as well. We thrive off constructive criticism. Except for the word Fraud. Your review is your opinion based off your experience. We will not delete that review or flag it for any reason, which is always an option. We feel we owe anybody to make an honest and informed decision whether to go with our company or not. Any company you find with not 1 bad review in this business…….well, I can see your smart enough to figure that one out. However we move over 1,800 vehicles a month. That is no excuse for what I clearly see happened with your move and I am not bragging I am simply trying to give you an Idea that maybe you slipped through the cracks or someone is not doing their Job. Which has me pretty on fire right now if I find someone is avoiding calls. You the customer are the lifeline of any company and deserve nothing less than perfection because that is what I expect. I sincerely Apologize for all your trouble. I will follow up with a phone call, please advise a time that would fit your schedule. Chris Johnson. Gm. 954-378-0993.
Now I am going to ask a few questions so I may erect this situation and prevent it from happening again.
1. Were you lied too?
2. Did you speak to David at any point in time and was he informative and or helpful?
3. From the time you placed the order was the vehicle ready to go?
4. What did they tell you happened with the original driver?

Company Response
1 S.E.T. from 1 Shot Express Transport LLC Submitted this response.
Response Date: 1/31/2011 8:45:00 AM
Yes Sir Mr. Wasserman, 4 stars and counting I personally guarantee we will have 5 stars shortly from legitimate customers and including bad reviews like yours. The reason is service and honesty dealing with customers like you. l have mentioned it time and again and like you there are customer we picked up and delivered a day late in a NY storm and we get a bad rating. What if you are the liar here. I'm glad you published Chris letter, I think it shows a manager trying to resolve an issue and never requested for you to take the review off. We work with customers like you Mr. Wasserman every day, we know what to expect but we also have a lot of good appreciative customers too and that is why the four stars you so much want to discredit. Good day sir.