2152 Ralph Ave
Brooklyn NY, 11234

Other companies that have used or are using this MC number.
Avt Tst Inc.

More Info for Lightning Messenger Service

Lightning Messenger Service is amongst the safest and most reliable way to transport your vehicle. You only pay a deposit once a driver is dispatched to your vehicle. DON'T BE SUCKED IN BY UP FRONT DEPOSITS. For a full list of our terms and policies on vehicle transport, please visit our websites vehicle transport section at www.AtoZin123.com.

Things you should know about vehicle transport and why you're safe with us. The Vehicle Transport industry is among the most confusing out there. You really need to make sure you book your transport with the right people. Many companies like to low-ball prices just to get your business, then they ask for an up front deposit, but give you no certain pick-up date. After these companies have your deposit money before even finding a driver, they forget about you and just stop caring. The truth of it is, regardless how low of a price you get from one of these companies, the actual driver might not even want to do the transport for that low. This scenario happens quite frequently, and is very frustrating because you have already paid a $100-$300 deposit, but your vehicle is not being picked up because the people you chose cant seem to find a driver to do it. Well, this is not something you have to worry about with us. We have carriers and trucks all over the country ready to pick up your vehicle. The best thing about using our service is that you do not pay a deposit until the driver, and truck, are dispatched to pick up the vehicle. Also, your price will NEVER change and there is no cancellation fee. So here's how it goes. You book your transport with us, we search for the perfect truck and driver for the job, send them for the pickup, and only then will you be charged anything. The invoice you receive will clearly state the price, and nothing extra. For a full list of what we offer, refer to our websites "Vehicle Transport" page.

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