A Fraud Company, A Eastern Connection...

Vang Submitted this review about A Eastern Connection
Review made Live: 10/11/2008 11:39:00 PM
Hello, My name is Soua Vang. I recently moved from Sanger California to Sheboygan Wisconsin. Upon my departure from California to Wisconsin, I was looking for a tow company quotes through the internet. Soon enough a tow company called/named A Easter Connection email me a quote for $800.00 dollars. I then contacted AEC at 1-800-790-7480, regarding the quote that they email me and spoken to a kind, polite lady named Laura. Laura told me that for her to help me moved my vehicle from Californa to Wisconsin, I need to give her a deposite so she can reserve a spot on the truck for my move. Without a deposite, there's no guaranty for a spot on the truck. I was at work and was pretty much busy so I have my wife called her regarding the deposite. My wife call Laura and asked her when will our vehicle be delivered. She stated that it will be delivered within 7 to 10 business days. She then asked her if she's sure and in reply, yes. My wife then give her our bank information and soon enough by the very next day, money was taken out ($850.00). Money was taken out on the 24th of July 2008 and my pickup date was on the 18-19th of August 2008. Two days before my pickup date, I called them up to double check if the truck is ready for my vehicle departure. A gental man answer the called as said, has anyone called me upon my vehicle pickup? I replied, NO. The gental man then said, the tow truck guy will call me upon getting closed to my vehicle location... I than waited, waited, waited. Three days went by and I called them (AEC) back. A different gental man answered the call and said for me to hold on while he's looking for the tow truck location... Within couple of minutes he picked up the phone and said,"sorry to say this but one of the plates on the truck had fallen off and it will be couple of hours for the delay." I then asked him to call my brother up in regards to the pickup. They called my brother up and lefted him a voice message saying,"Sorry we cant pickup your car right now because one of the plates on the truck had fallen off and for us to put it back on, the plate needs to be welded and sinced it's late already, your vehicle will be pickup Saturday morning". I than waited again. Saturday came by, no pickup. I called AEC on Sunday, a guy picked up (I think it was John) that guy said, how can i help you? I asked him, politly... when is my vehicle getting pickup? He then said,"Im sorry, I don't know, everyones off". Call them back on Monday... Again, I waited.... Monday came by and I called AEC, this time, I asked them, so when will my vehicle be picked up? In reply, the guy, (I believed it was John) am I crazy, or am I stupid... Can't I read or am I not educated... all I wanted to know was, why are they not picking up my vehicle. He then said, why you are calling if nobody had called you.... I replied.... Hey, somebody called my brother saying that they will be picking up my vehicle up on that Saturday which it didn't occure. John then said, nobody called you or your brother and for me to keep on doing more drugs. I replied, screw this, this is a bunch of BS... John then reply, your mom.... I then exploded and said," What the F is this, are you a f-ing company or what?" John didn't reply back except for keep on doing more drugs cause he didn't call me or my brother? John hung up and I was pretty much piss off so I decided to called Tracking @ 1-516-628-9156... Guess who answered? It was John... he didn't think that i'll be calling tracking, so, he asked for my invoice number and I gave him my invoice number. The words that came out of his mouth was Ahhh So Your the Smart Guy Uhh... Again, I asked him politly, look, im not playing any games here, all i wanted to know is, when is my vehicle getting pickup. He replied, he don't know and if im not satisfied then for me to send them a cancellation letter for my refund. I then replied, Fine... i WILL... Three weeks came by, I finally Faxed AEC my cancellation Letter to Fax # 1-516-628-9318. Called AEC about the Letter, they replied your check will be mailed to you and it's going to take about 2 1/2 weeks for your check to arrive.... 3 weeks came by, no check, called AEC, some lady answered and didn't say nothing much except for what's your invoice number? I give them my invoice number and within seconds, the phone was disconnected... Called them back, disconnect, disconnect...... A week came by, called AEC again, asking them, when will i get my money? they replied, 2 1/2 weeks again, I then interrupt the operator, now wait a minute, you said that 3 weeks ago... when will i get my check? She then changed her story and said, next week for sure... As far as I can realized what's going to happened? There's going to be more lies upon lies upon lies. Now, it's already 10-11-2008, still haven't see my check yet so... i'll be still waiting for my refund check from those crooks.....