poor service

Lisa Submitted this review about Cosmos Auto Inc.
Review made Live: 7/30/2007 10:55:00 PM
I contracted Cosmos Auto to transport my car from virginia beach to las vegas, nevada. This was not my first time transporting a car across the country as my fiance and I are moving frequently because we are physicians and he is in the military. I was told on the phone that pickup would be within 7 days. Later, I found out that pickup is actually 7 BUSINESS DAYS (so they don't work on weekends or holidays). I originally thought that this was just a misunderstanding on my part so continued to believe that my car would be picked up. 14 businiess days later, Cosmos still did not have a carrier for my vehicle. I spoke with several people on the phone trying to get some idea if the pickup was ever going to occur and the staff were rude and unprofessional each time I called. I ended up canceling my contract with Cosmos and hired another company. If Cosmos would have been honest with me up front and said that because it was a low quote price they would have difficulty finding a carrier, I may have been more understanding. I believe that a business should be upfront with their customers and let us know exactly what is going on, especially when it involves a lot of money and a very important part of a customer's life.

Company Response
Cosmos Auto Inc from Cosmos Auto Inc. Submitted this response.
Response Date: 8/10/2007 8:25:00 PM
Lisa had the same attitude with us. She kept telling our representative daily that she and her finacee are doctors. We told her that in our eyes everyone is created equal and are trying just as hard on anyones' order.