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State 2 State Auto Transport

QUser Question

What is the difference between and open and an enclosed carrier?

Should I ship my vehicle on an enclosed truck or an open trailer?


Open vs. Enclosed

What’s the difference between open and enclosed auto transport?

Open Transport is what most people think of when they see the long transport Carriers on interstate highways, sometimes double-deckers with 7-10 cars. But Open Transport may also be done with smaller trucks, capable of carrying just 3-4 vehicles. This means that the vehicle is open to the elements, and a car may arrive at its destination dirtier than when it started out. Think of “open transport” as flying coach-class. It is the most economical way to go, and 75% of customers choose open transport

Enclosed car transport is more akin to flying 1st class or business-class: and in the cases of transporting a Bentley or Lamborghini, it’s a “white-glove-level” service. Not only is your vehicle protected on all sides, it’s typically shipped on a smaller transporter -- usually a 6-car lift-gate trailer, or occasionally a 1 or 2 car carrier. Enclosed auto shipping costs 40-60% more than an open carrier and is recommended for a vehicle >$70,000.

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posted on 2/23/2018 9:47:43 PM

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