Stuck in Philadelphia

Alan Taylor Submitted this review about Fast Track Auto Carriers
Review made Live: 2/2/2014 1:40:00 PM
I broke down on a major bridge in Philadelphia. I had to get my vehicle towed to by a local tow service to get it off the expressway. This tow service would not take me back to Harrisburg , because of the distance, even though I offered $500. I got a ride back to Harrisburg with a relative and checked with my local tow companies. It seems no one really was interested in that far of a tow. I contacted Fast Track Auto Carriers and they took my case for $300. and I got my vehicle back in 2 days. I wanted to get it back quickly, because they charge storage fees in Philadelphia each day, so I was happy to get it back with only 1 day storage fee.

Company Response
Dirk Perdrix from Fast Track Auto Carriers Submitted this response.
Response Date: 2/8/2014 10:02:00 AM
Thank you for using