User Question



The default overall rating posted on the Auto Transport Reviews is based on the average rating

The default overall rating posted on the Auto Transport Reviews is based on the average rating over the last two years of reviews for a company. This is a simple average: The sum of the stars of the reviews for two-years divided by the count of the number of reviews for two-years. The average is then rounded to the nearest whole number.

The reason we use only the last two years of data is that this gives our visitors a snapshot into where the company is in recent history, or at least a two-year period. Over two years companies can improve or worsen and Transport Reviews will reflect this. This means well rated companies always need to be diligent to maintain a high level of service. It also means that poorly rated companies can always improve.

Some reports on the site show ratings based on 30-days and one year of data. This should be specified on the report. These reports can also help gain insight into the current level of service a company is offering.

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