User Question

How do I find out how long an auto transport company has been in business?



Information on how long a company has been in business is available on their company profile.

If we have a FMCSA License number recorded for a company you can view how long the company has been in service under that MC License number.

To view this information you will need to
  1. Find the company you are looking for in the directory or search for the company at: Vehicle Transport Company Directory
  2. Click on the company name that you are searching for. This will take you to their company profile page.
  3. On the company page if we have an MC number, something required by all brokers and carriers in the United States, you will see a section under the company name called FMCSA Licensing.
  4. Click on the MC# link. Which will look something like MC-012345 or the link that reads: View Government license and insurance information.
  5. Here the top two lines will show you:
  • Time In Service ;The amount of time that the MC# that the company is using has been in use.
  • Time on this Site - This shows how long they have been listed on Transport Reviews.

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